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Born and educated in Ghana, I had visited the United States on and off for many years. These visits were both personal and professional, until I decided to stay for a while. During my graduate studies, it became apparent that the "brain-dirtying" scheme embarked upon by European colonists, and still being perpetuated in all forms, has had significant and long-lasting, negative impacts on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. In Africa, we believe everything that comes from the West is to be accepted without question and is superior to ours - history, culture, religion, economic development, and above all race. In the Americas, Africa is seen as backward, uncivilized, distant, poor and rife with diseases. It is disheartening to see the gap in awareness between Africans in Africa and Africans in the diaspora. Africans in Africa could not believe that the dark-skinned and light-skinned people they see in the movies are their own kinsmen who were taken from Africa during the "slave raid", and Africans in America do not see themselves as Africans in America.
My wife and I have been fortunate to travel the east coast of the United States and the Caribbean. We have visited Black Heritage Sites from Boston to Fort Mose in Florida, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Our mission, always, has been to make a conscious effort to visit Black Heritage sites wherever we traveled. Our lives have been enriched by learning everything we can when visiting a site and always show support through donations. Whenever we traveled, I shared with my "African-American" wife, the history, culture and spirituality of Africa - imprints of Africa that are clearly visible but unnoticed or ignored in the United States, the Caribbean and Latin America. We usually have discussions relating to everything under the sun. The role of religion & faith, politics & tolerance, social issues such as health, race, identity, economic depravity, and cuisine are always part of our discussions. Our conversations, laced with matching stories from an African-American and an African, showed how much we still have in common. I began to see the urgent need to reinforce the bond that has been unnaturally and tragically severed for over 500 years.
One day, the inevitable happened. I took my wife, my 81 year-old mother-in-law, wife's cousin and her son and his three friends, on a month long, Soul Searching Experience to Ghana. The effect on all 8 travelers cannot be described - it needs to be experienced. African Heritage Tours was conceived and founded in Africa out of my need and obligation to share the same experience with you.
African Heritage Tours is a pioneering, African heritage tour company. Our logo is a three-dimension human-faced totemic symbol of African antiquity. It is a pictorial representation of the maxim "Ta deka me dea adahu o", meaning "two heads are better than one". Beyond its literal meaning, the maxim represents our belief in the multi-dimensional nature of all phenomena - human, natural, cultural, spiritual and cosmic. Take part in an unforgettable experience which combines historical, cultural and natural heritage. For students who want to learn about the rich history and culture of Africa, we also provide educational tours.
Our mission is to re-connect you to the history, culture, land and spirit of your ancestors from which you have been physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually removed for over 500 years.
Our team is made of experienced people of Africa and African-descent who have immersed themselves in the culture of Africa, re-lived its history, protected its treasures and are passionate about sharing it with you.
Besa Vormatu-Dzelumadzekpo
Tour Facilitator
Nkunu Akyea
Facilitator - Cultural Heritage
Karen Hall
General Manager
Jordan Little
Facilitator - Business & Investment
Kofi Akpabli
Facilitator - Literature, & the Arts
Rabbi Kohain
Facilitator - Historical Heritage
Archie Mettle
Facilitator - The Creative Arts
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